Smt. Akhilandeswari Institute of Vedas, Yoga, Avatara Vaibhavam, Samskriti and Anubhutim


Brahmanandavalli, Taitteriya Upanishad

The first paragraph consists of four parts: 

  1. The first discusses the Purpose: “Brahma-vid attains the Ultimate” and clarifies
    • Who is Brahman?
    • How to know the Brahman?
    • What is the Ultimate that is attained? 
  2. The second gives the process of creation of the Universe from
    • akasa →vayu →agni →apah →prthvi
  3. The third part gives the process of creation of life on Earth from
    • oshadi →annam →puruṣa
  4. The last part deals with the outcome, of puruṣa being established in Atman, thus completing the cycle of Creation.

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